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My Pocket Yoga Inspired Life

For someone who has never done a day of yoga in their life, My Pocket Yoga, in our April/May box has been a godsend. Being a feel-the-burn workout kinda gal, yoga was always a way down the totem pole lame excuse. How very wrong I was.

Yoga, according to all the doctors and researchers, helps you to relax and focus while gaining flexibility and strength. It was a time for the mind to connect with the soul. To my scrape-the-playdough-off-the-walls-at midnight life, this was nirvana to my brain. But finding the time to go to a class for half hour for this calming experience has always been the challenge.

That is why we, at Gift Izzy, love My Pocket Yoga. It has breathing exercises and simple poses that you can squeeze between work, home and in the car without carving out blocks of non-existent time in a day.

We all deserve a few moments of deep calming moments in our hectic lives so let us know how My Pocket Yoga has helped you add some special me time to your every day. Even if it is for your own sanity.

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